Monday, July 11, 2011

Chinese street style: Lace, stripes and peaked shoulders

Been so busy lately I've barely been blogging. That and the fact that I frequently post blurry mobile pics in lieu of using my fancy Canon DSLR camera [that shiz is heavy!] further undermines my tenuous status as a 'blogger'. Just thought I'd post a couple of cute street style esque snapshots around Hong Kong/ Guang Zhou [capital of Guang Dong, site of many a factory]. Above is taken at a wholesale bag market in the latter area where I had the delightful task of taking around European buyers to select ladies handbags. A cornucopia of real and counterfeit, it was fun trying to 'spot the fake' [was that the sound of Chanel turning in her grave?], which came in various qualities and degrees of authenticity. Some were downright insulting to one's sartorial intelligence. "Gu Chi?! Really? You're sure you're not a fake bag supplier?" All equally amusing.

Above: This lady, who probably has no idea the honour bestowed upon her by being displayed on my blog, caught my eye with her monochrome outfit. I especially liked the harem pant with the striped top that had peaked lace covered shoulders. Each shop had a curtain to cover the bag designs lest neighbouring bag manufacturers try to steal designs. Crafty.

Speaking of peaked shoulders, look what I spotted on the subway....

Seen these Vivienne Westwood for Melissa Wings Platform Sandals everywhere in Hong Kong.

And how could I resist snapping a pic of a cute boxy purse?

Visiting the bag area again tomorrow for inspections on material, style, hardware etc. Have more blogs I've been "planning" on writing for a while...will update once laptop is fixed!

